Archive for the 'Blogging' Category

Blogging – revised

Weeks have passed and Facebook was literally killing my blog. Now, after having realised that Facebook is a waste of time and that the only nice thing – finding old friends – wasn’t as interesting as I had imagined – I cancelled my accound to save some time and nerves.

So, stay tune and in the meantime happy midsummer

Need for a spare tyre

For some time now I am holding the speed record in our neighbourhood. But recently some kids started to claim that there were indeed faster than me. To settle these rumours I challenged 3 kids, around 3-6 years old. Of course I had no mercy with them and defended my record (mainly by exploiding my knowledge about vehicle aerodynamics :)). Unfortunately in one of my last laps the tyre split got a crack. As soon as some others will challenge me I need some knew tyres. Also some parents seem not to like the ideas that 6 year old siblings take the cars or motorbikes of their 3 year old siblings, but I did not plan to be an example for these kids, I just couldn’t except the rumours in the neighborhood.Photo0110

Breaking speed limits

Just found some time to test my sons motor bike.

Back from Chicago


The little torturer

Waking up middle of the night is nothing strange for us since our little one has been around us. However since few month he enforces his will on us without patience. It happened often that I woke up due to strong kicks by him or by slaps in the face. Upon opening my eyes I just saw his little finger coming towards my eye. Then another bash with his bottle and the words “Mich mich”, which he uses to say “Milch” (milk). From that point on I have approximately 10 seconds to stand up, wash his bottle, fill it up, heat it up and give it to him. Usually it takes 1-2 minutes, which he accompanies with crying, sometimes so hard that he stops breathings and becomes blue.

The same procedure repeats itself 2-3 times each night. Thats the normal, i.e. good, part. Towards the morning, around 4-6 am, I sometimes open my eyes with my or my wifes’ socks pressed onto my face. A even more disgusting procedure is, when he sits with his full diapers on my faces. These once are usually filled up until their maximum load, due to our lazyness to change them during the night. Its a blessing that he sleeps some hours, so why bothering and changing his diapers. Well as soon as he sits on my face I regret not having changed him.

You probably can’t imagine how smelly, warm and soft his butt is, well this picture might help you imagine how it could feel like on your face:


Lying doctors & parents

To make a long story short. Parent(s) P want their (male) child C to be circumcised and went to a clinic to get some information about the procedure and how to plan it. The professional doctor D, who makes his living just with foreskins, told P, obviously I am a subset of P, that the circumcision should only be performed shortly after the birth of C or again after C weights more than 15kg so that the anesthetics do no harm to C. D repeated to P, that the 15kg limit is indeed very important and that C had to wait a half year or so. Also P was told to get some information send home one month before the circumcision in order to be prepared for the day. P agreed and went home. So far nothing strange.

One month later, C still around its 10-11 kg, D called and told P that there is a gap in their time schedule and that C could be treated next week. No information was or will be send home, 4-5 out of 15kg is suddenly a small difference, well its just 30%. Thats what doctors have as their error-bars, while engineers aim for few percentages. P said no and referred to the 15kg limit, which D did not want to except for a no, so P waited one day and told D that C got sick. 2 weeks later, again a call, D with the same story, and P answered in the same way, but D insisted this time that the 15kg were not really important and that an info-letter will be sent to that it arrives few days before the treatment. P was hence again forced to tell D that C was sick. The same story repeated itself just last week, C is still 11-12 kg, and is recalling how careful and repeatetly he asked for the treatment before the 15 kg, when P had time. But now neither the 15kg have arrived, nor does/do P has/have time. P is currently rethinking the clinic, because if D lies about the 15 limit, then why should I trust his word at all, maybe he isn’t a doctor, but just a butcher, because then 2-4 kg more or less shouldn’t matter?

May 2024
